The Code
- Harassment will not be tolerated. This includes, but is not limited to: physical or verbal harassment, stalking, intimidation, unwelcome or malicious photography or recording, sustained disruption of any event or class, inappropriate physical attention, unwanted sexual advances, or online harassment.
-Do not use offensive language. This includes but is not limited to; misogynistic, homophobic, transphobic, ableist, and racist language.
-Putting anyone in physical danger will not be tolerated. (i.e. doing an aerial in the middle of a lesson, or social dance floor [unsafe] - this would be different than during a jam circle [safer])
-Respect the physical and personal boundaries of fellow attendees on and off the dance floor. Sometimes you can make others uncomfortable even without intending to. We maintain that the impacts of actions are not lessened by intentions. We will address all harmful actions appropriately regardless of intentions.
-When it doubt, ask. Asking for permission from people is the way to go. Know that only a verbal “yes” means “yes” and that people may demonstrate non-consent through multiple means (e.g., body language, uncertain language, soft refusals, etc.).
-Respect both event staff and volunteer staff, even if you are experiencing a personal frustration. These people work hard to create fun events for everyone to enjoy and disrespect will not be tolerated.
The Consequences
Depending on the situation, we will issue a first warning. The behavior in question is expected to change immediately. If it occurs for a second time, we will meet with all relevant parties to discuss what the next course of action will be. This could mean anything from simple conflict resolution to a permanent ban. While we prefer to give a first warnings, depending on the situation, we reserve the right to move directly to a more serious course of action at our discretion.
How to Contact Us
If you are at one of our events or classes and you feel unsafe, if this code of conduct has been breached in any way, or if you have any questions about this code or disclaimer please feel free to contact us. You can do that by:
-Emailing us at switchinsisters@gmail.com
-Let any staff member know. There will be a way to identify us at all events so just grab any one of us and let us know.
If you don’t feel comfortable coming forward and talking to us, you can also write down the situation on paper and hand it to us and/or tell someone you know and trust and they can bring it forward for you. We take all claims seriously and will deal with them as promptly as we possibly can.
With all of that being stated, by attending any event or class put on by us you agree to comply to this code of conduct and understand that we have the right to enforce it and expand its meanings and definitions at any time. You understand that we are not responsible for anything lost, stolen, damaged, chomped on by young humans, or misplaced. You understand that dancing is physical and participate knowing the risks we are not liable for any injuries.
Code Of Conduct
If you don’t really understand what our core values are trying to say, here is the long version that encompasses how we feel, what we expect, and how we plan to enforce these expectations.